Friday, July 26, 2013

Talking to women

Probably the deeper you go into reality, into what you are really thinking and into what she is really thinking, and what her motivations are, all the way down to the evolutionary level, the farther away you are from connecting. Better off at a much different level. A level of interest in the items of life, the events of the day, with attendtion to believing her internal model of the world and working with that. Haven't varified that. However I've seen many times how women have a very odd disbelieving reaction to characterizing human behvior (and their own) in terms of evolutionary biology.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Woman said she only spends time alone with a guy if she is dating him. (Formally I though dating was spending time alone, but it's not in this case.) I believe that in her culture, dating means an interaction in public that establishes that they are a romantic couple, possibly in a bar-type scene or just in a restaurant. Dating is not just going out or going in for one meeting, it's a state of the relationship, like going steady. Once the relationship is in that dating phase, she's OK with spending time alone. It's like a social verification stage before intimate involvement.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Nature, evolution, religion, cognitive dissonance

Vast majority of people believe in a god of some sort. The beliefs are not true, but they are effective. The numbers indicate that believes (in terms of reproduction) are highly successful and represent the majority of humanity. It's amazing that nature managed to generate people capable of both logical and belief in religion. Innovations of evolution like cognitive dissonance made this possible.