Logic to achieve emotional goals
Or emotion to help or hinder logical goals
It's a logic and emotion multilayer sandwich
Logic to achieve emotional goals
Or emotion to help or hinder logical goals
It's a logic and emotion multilayer sandwich
Billions of years of selection. Whatever men are, liars or mean or kind, those were the selected traits. Whatever women are, cute or bitchy or nice, those also were the selected traits. We all get what we ask for as a collective.
Universe gives you one moment of consciousness and you have as fun fun with it as possible
The same way that cats want to kill things whether they are hungry or not, women want to dress up sexy whether they are interested in sex or not.
Dollar bills have whatever value people believe they have. The same is true for human life. If people begin to value human life highly, universally, war will cease.
Conflict with the middle east is a conflict between two ways of living. Humans in tribal society were programs in such a way that they will converge on a final solution, the most successful survival strategy. They war until only one remains. Religion is a formalized manifestation of this system, thought it often exists without religious consideration (for example, communist vs. capitalist.)
War is not between physical objects that are humans. It's between ideas. Complete defeat occurs if all are killed or if all are converted. This is possible because humans are vastly programmable. They can be converted to take on behaviors making them so different that they act as two different species would.
single celled organisms merged into single organisms, giving up some degree of individual freedom. But by doing this, they found a way to survive with higher probability on average. A world without war would be achieved if people began to operate more like cells of a single organism. They would be rogue cells that form "cancerous growths" at times, but we could have "immune systems" in place to stop individuals from causing too much damage.
Prohibition was a rediculous idea.
Men can't have a conversation without alcohol. Women can't have sex without alcohol.
People jump to the conclusion that a kid that doesn't interact normally (such as from autistic spectrum effects) need to take drugs. They don't. They need drugs to get through class because class is boring to them. The defect is the school system. Many of the kids are not messed up in a way that needs correction... they are just outliers that require a different learning environment, and in the appropriate environment many would likely perform very well. Forcing them into normality with drugs is something people will look back on historically as a mistake analogous to trying to cure a man of homosexuality with drugs, ridiculous.
Strong welfare systems imply that war is the only selector. Without welfare, cash could become a selector.
People converting to christianity (during roman empire) is like people exiting one currency (like zimbabway dollar) and moving into one.
Not just bitcoins, all value of all people, places, and things is perceived. (US government only exists as it is perceived.)
A one legged bird motivates itself to fight on and live. This instinct is likewise in every human. The will to survive and the conceptualization of personal existence.