Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Programming that lacks interface

Some programming is back from lack of interface, the guts are out. It's bad. You're changes can mess things up. There's a lot of confuration. Things have to be manually kept consistent, etc.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Change the World

People say an entrepreneur's job is to change the world. It's not. For one thing, changing the world doesn't necessarily do the right thing. For example, a butterfly changes the world by flapping its wing, but it doesn't matter. Also messing up a building changes the world but not in a good way. Nearly all good businesses change in a very specific way, making some relatively short term (year) process more efficient. Also the goal is not making people happy, drug dealers might do that... game makers too (the exception), but mostly the big businesses are about making people get more stuff done in shorter amounts of time.