Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dreamlike block removing conscious mind from sex

No matter what the cognitive ability of a women, she is not aware of her own motivations. It's like when you're in a dream and odd things are happening but you never know it while dreaming. There must be some kind of a block in the brain, a block that partitions application of logic to analyze the events of the dream. This partition acts in the minds of women. When they show their cleavage they will not openly say that they want sex. When they choose to go out to places with guys present, they won't admit that they want sex. They will say they are going there for fun, and that is what they will believe in their minds. But, evolution has programmed them in such a way that they cannot have fun unless they are opening themselves up to be accessed by males. They will also drink alcohol, to disable some of their inhibition, also because they want the sex. Again, they'll say and believe that they are drinking because it's fun.

It follows that they will not respond well to direct talk about sex, but they will crave talk about it that is indirect. Just enough of a suggestion to bring it to mind, but not enough to admit that it really is the topic of conversation.

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