Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why teach Shakespeare in school

People have chosen Shakespeare for school. It has a lot of sex and violence (like just about any popular story), but it's so out of date with language that it's hard to read. I believe this is why it's so popular. The language naturally makes it so stupid people (who would be offended more) can't read it, and those smart enough to read it won't be offended anyway (smart people aren't offended by such things). It's like when Newton wrote in Latin so he wouldn't have to deal with stupid people getting upset or putting him in prison (as with Galileo).

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Men and women mate selection

Women use a set of inputs to determine if a man is a suitable mate. It's difficult to quantify with a number, but you can imagine about 100. Examples are height, symmetry, geometric properties of face, muscles, posture, problem solving ability, speech clarity, interaction with children, ability to take care of a plant. They also check indications of interest. Does the man think about her, consider her well being, exhibit jealousy (this can be a positive indicator). A woman needs to check all of these before investing time in having a child with a man (in the stone age). However a man does not really. He only needs to mate with fertile women, so his checks are different.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Best song lyrics are porn

Best song lyrics are porn written with words that are ambiguous so you can interpret everything in a slightly different nonporno way. This satisfies the desire everyone has for porn without setting off any major alarms in the minds of people who ostensibly consider porn a bad thing.

Example: Johnny Cash's I'm on Fire

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Maintaining oppressive regimes

it's more difficult to maintains lies as most dictatorships do now that the internet and social media is so advanced. The one remaining way to control people is the oldest, through belief and religion.

Religion goes beyond terrorism

Religion goes beyond terrorism by injecting the motivating fear directly into people's minds so that people become their own victims. Terrorists can be identified as an outside threat, but a religion person feels fear that ingrained within them.

Limitation of online profile for dating

Problem with an online profile is that the natural way to learn about a person is in stages. You can't process all information at once (if that's what's in the profile) and you can't make it interesting without putting in the stuff that wouldn't be learned until later.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The testing that women do in a relationship (sh*t testing)

Women are programmed to test you if you are in a relationship with them. They probably don't even do it based on careful thought. They just do it. They will consider problems with the relationship or with you, and see what happens. As long as the problems are manageable, and you want the relationship, you should work through these problems. The woman may still love you even if she is performing these tests that seem critical. This behavior probably evolved because women need some way to ensure that a man will stay with her through the good and the bad, that he will take a lead in staying with her. (Similar to using ultrasound to perturb a plate while you are electroplating it in liquid. Only the pieces that stick really hard will stick at all.)

Friday, September 20, 2013


It's obvious why a man would not want a woman to cheat, in evolutionary terms that would mean he'd probabably end up caring for another's DNA. What about women getting upset when men cheat though? Maybe women don't like men who 'cheat' because they were more likely to have VD's millions of years ago during human evolution.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Deciding when ready to reproduce

Nature gave some female ducks the ability to redirect the male's penis into a different place during sex to stop fertilization, but it doesn't give human women a simple voluntary way to stop a pregnancy after sex has happened. It's likely that all of the decision making was forced into the part where the women chooses whether she wants to have sex or not. Nature basically coerces a human so that he or she will reproduce whether he or she feels consciously ready or not. And, this may have been the optimal way to decide. It wouldn't have evolved this way if it wasn't a pretty good way.

"Playing God"

Evil scientists in movies get pinned with playing God when they do something that will affect large numbers of humans. Why? Every human affectst the evolution of humanity with each decision. However, I suppose those people do more faster, and that really could be a problem. It's not about playing God or not, it's about changing things rapidly without testing effects. Evolution moves slowly, testing everything as it goes.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Casual sex misnomer

There's not much casual about casual sex. Casual is married people, just doing it whenever without much planning or preparation. Casual sex is the most uncasual, requiring the most preparation, nicest clothes, and the most attention to presentation.

There's no such thing as universal beauty

There's no such thing as universal beauty. Human beauty is based on whatever is "fit" from a human perspective. Some might say... well a cat is beautiful sometimes, and it's not human. True some cats are beautiful, but it's really just a coincidence. The shape of their face, body, and eyes, can activate some of the same beauty detection mechanisms that we use on people. That's why you see women that are half cat in anime. And then there are horses, which women consider beautiful (or handsome) because they exibit the standard attractive properties of a male, basically big a strong, bulging muscles and all.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Woman's greatest desire is to isolate one mate who will provide resources

A woman's greatest desire is to isolate one mate who will provide resources. Most women will not tell you this directly, and they may not even think it. But, they will think about all the necessary requirements. I knew a women who completely terminated a relationship because the man gave a birthday gift to another women, and didn't give one to her (or at least took too long to figure out that she needed one). The signal here was that he's providing resources to another. Women want *exclusive* access to a man's resources, and that instinct was programmed into them because man's primary role is resource provision. He can't reproduce, so that's all that is left. Some women also manifest this need in their desire to be married. Marriage is contract based version of this tendency to provide resources, where legal obligations are put in place. The point is, for a typical woman to really love a man and want a relationship, she has to identify him as a good and exclusive resource provider.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Portlandia is the only good modern TV show that I can compliment without reservation. I watch other things like James Bond movies (circa 1960) and appreciate them, but that's because they are old, and I forgive them.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

World changing

Two wrong myths injected into people: you should go out and change the world and money is not important. Both pretty much wrong. It's hard to change the world much. If you create a major business or whatever, that is a difference, however the main difference is that you have a part in the business rather than somebody else. If there is a major demand for something, it probably will spring into existence, just a matter of time. What you can effect greatly is your world. And, money is a logical aim, as it opens many other doors.

Human brain

Pain of childbirth due to gigantic brain that grew faster than the rest of the human body, for a species that is reprogrammable and therefore adaptive