Sunday, May 29, 2011

Women, Men, and Instinct

A couple times recently now I've heard women talking about how they are looking for women friends - as if they aren't looking for guys. This is mildly bullshit. Women sometimes have a hard time admitting (even to themselves) that they are just looking for a guy. It's more likely that they're looking for a girlfriend to hang with so they can more comfortably find guys. But, think they consciously don't think of it like that. Women are like birds. They act instinctively. They have instincts designed to draw them to or away from men. They don't plan the result and assemble the actions to reach it. They just keep following the emotion and the instinct. And, if you ask them what they are really up to, you're likely to get something else - whatever they want you to hear basically.

Now just to be fair, I'm not saying guys in general are more or less logical than women, I don't know. I know that personally, I tend to set a goal and then arrange actions to support it. Recently I find myself doing a lot of things women just consider "fun" to reach the goal. So, it's pretty apparent that the women's instinct and emotion has already been tuned to make them find mates, whether they consciously care about it or not. They perform the actions of socialization/mate-finding out of instinct or instinctive drive, and I'm in the process of learning them.

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