Tuesday, August 30, 2011


lets see, looking up sexist:
"discriminatory on the basis of sex (usually said of men's attitude toward women)"

Hmmm, there are some cases where I consider gender... like when deciding if I'm sexually attracted to another human, gender comes into play.

Are you suggesting that I'm using gender to make decisions in an inappropriate way? Mathematically, are you suggesting that I'm treating the gender "bit" incorrectly when unconsciously evaluating people or choosing actions? If yes, give me an example.

I will say that statistically, men and women tend to have differences, morphologically and psychologically. In fact the morphology of the brain (which is different between sexes) almost surely implies that their are psychological differences.

Regardless of this, if you want to see if a human is good at science, there are ways to check, like giving the human a science project and seeing what happens. This method can be used on anything, human, alien, robots, whatever - gender need not come into play. The are both men and women who will "score high." Men and women will have a wide distribution of score, some women higher than men and some men higher than women.

Keep in mind that evolution forked the brain architecture of humanity, probably for some reason. (Fork is my geek term for splitting the code base of a program into two distinct versions.) Men and women are running two different operating systems... and some people are actually in between. But just like operating systems, choosing one is often open to debate - the OS's have different strengths and weaknesses. Also, the installed applications (education) can make a bigger difference.

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