Monday, December 31, 2012

Humans woke up

Humans woke up. Their brains developed to a level of general intelligence through a survival arms race. They made two major logic "errors" as a collective. One error is assuming life is not a "machine." They made this error because they couldn't see the moving parts (molecules are small). Second, most created a concept of afterlife. Maybe not so much an error, but a way of dealing with a survival instict combined with an intelligence great enough to see all the way to the end of survival. Basically cognitive dissonance on a massive, organized scale. The idea of a spirit in addition to the body fits with both of these errors - it's the unseen force that animates the body, and it's the immortal part that doesn't die. The thing is that congnitive dissonance is know to be beneficial to people who use it, in some cases. These are not so much errors as they are carefully crafted constructs freeing (ancient) people from realities that would hijack logical portions of the brain and make them less likely to be productive. As far as evolution is concerned (evolution as the curator of human belief and culture), sometimes you're just better of believing a lie and being happy. However, maybe it's time to accept reality, now that it is staring us in the face. We now can see the moving parts of the machines (life forms) and we understand that the forces guiding them are the same forces that guide every atom, dead or alive.

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