Monday, January 20, 2014

Is medical technology helping humanity?

Is medical technology helping humanity? The reward is that it is extending the life of an individual. The cost is potentially contaminating the gene pool with people who can't survive on their own. If you look to the animal world, in some cases, the weak are left behind. But, with some animals, the weak are rescued (dogs take care of the old and people take care of the sick). Death the is the clearing that opens the way for new members of the population. In a sense, a death is opening for a different life as a life is block on another existing. Death may not be a negative at all. Any animal will fight to survive under adverse circumstances. Humans take it a step further and build a symbol, personal existence, to represent their existence. They keep track of their own personal existence and learn to protect it both with instinct and learned behavior. The love the symbol so much that they would almost go insane to loose it, so they created belief systems to free them of the obsession. Believe that existence is eternal, forget about it, and get on with life, back to contribution to the global arrow of evolution, which needs no single individual to progress. The love of the physical life's continuation is a vestigial organ that never disappeared, just got covered over with spirituality.

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