Friday, March 25, 2011

girl thing

this is an exaggeration or a simplification possibly but: yes, the girl thing is the most important.

i figure the priority list is basically 1) stay alive and healthy 2) the girl thing. this is based on emotion - but of course it lines up with evolutionary principles - survive and reproduce - it's what we have in common with bacteria and everything else.

i think that to truly fulfil (1), much higher technology will be needed. to put in bluntly, the human body is intrinsically designed in such a way that it will fall apart - it is likely the whole thing will just be replaced in the future with something more stable. when that is done, (1) will be achieved.

can i contribute to 1, well i can make a little contribution - but i notice that good ideas are nearly always replicated - therefore i don't need to worry about it too much. people are going to do what needs to be done. (often money is the real rate limiting factor.)

in some sense 1 is taken care of. for myself, i just need to make any contribution, and get somebody to pay me (so i can buy food), or extract money in any way from any source (so i can buy food).

but 2? nobody will do that for you (you as in me). it is a skill. and it's not like riding a bike - that didn't take long to learn - it's more like learning to play jazz. the art of pickup. it's an improvisational art, and like any other, it's pretty involved. i think i finally respect it. and it's ultimately not just the girl thing - it the people thing.

the fact is, this pickup game is what women care about greatly. it's really the whole social interaction thing. it's chimpanzee's. you can do really cool stuff... and well she might care... like if one achieves world fame *maybe*. even in that case, often it's the fame that she likes - it's not even the thing. it's the social verification. a little bit of social verification goes a long way. the actual skills and acomplishments... well many women don't really care. specifically i mean classic engineers are notoriously without girlfriends until somebody finally pegs them as a meal ticket. not so for salesmen, even the mediocre one will have a girl friend.

what about rock stars. with all the girls. theoretically, there is something there. it's a good field. one where there's a high probability that a girl may actually appreciate the thing itself. however, even tu-pac said: they were interested in the fame itself, not so much me - he said he'd go to a club and women would not give a shit about him until somebody actually recognized him as a star - then they were into him.

restating - a little bit of the pickup art can go along way, and it is extremely difficult to compensate for it in the eyes of women. being world class at some skill might help - but even so... efficiency would indicate that learning some pickup is highly valuable. it's way more important than anything taught in school. in fact... it's what a lot of smart (not gradewise) people do actually learn in school (rather than the actual subjects).

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