Monday, April 1, 2013

Evolution of motivation

Human society and behavior has changed rapidly and drastically in the last 20 thousand years while our instinctive motivations haven't had time to change. (20 thousand years is hardly any time for evolution to change our actual hard wiring.) Many things that people do really are mapping back to the same instinctive drives, for example football is basically nerf tribal warfare. But for optimal performance, one would expect that human society has developed some way to reprogram the desires themselves (not just hard-wire them). One way the is apparently done is with the instinctive desire to do whatever the parents want you to do. (1) Parents are often experienced enough to logically and intuitively figure out what would be a pretty good course based on up-to-date information. (2) The child has a hard-wired biological drive to make the parents happy. Put the two together and you have a way that evolution has developed to put logic and experience based drives and motivations deep into the children's minds.

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