The cambrian explosion is like the industrial revolution, the analogy is that business are like species, sets of them can experience rapid growth at times and then stabilize.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Nelson mandella
Nelson mandella said it's the effect you have on others that counts
Electrons have a similar, feel all and effect all, except themselves
Monday, November 18, 2013
Cartalk dream
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Geomagnetic pole reversal
Sometime the one penguine walking the other way is only one that will survive.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Evolutionary jobs
Each environment is like another job, another learning environment. Orcas went beyond sharks by taking vastly different jobs as they progressed.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The purpose of religion
Example 1:
Judaism has a day for apologizing to people you have hurt. It's just a good thing for social cohesion, and something many people may forget to do on their own.
Example 2:
All the taboos that Christianity puts on premarital sex were put in place to ensure that people were born with parents to care for them and that sexually transmitted diseases were minimized. Those laws arguably are now out of date, but the original evolutionary purpose seems pretty clear.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Small continuous gifts
Women are from Venus and men are from Mars talks about how women give the same amount of points for each gift no matter the size. So, a small continuous stream of gifts makes the most sense. This evaluation method makes sense. The woman is really checking loyalty, so the actual gift value is less important. She is programmed to identify a man who will continuously take care of her and her children. Consider the extreme opposite, a man might give up a few hundred dollars in one night for a prostitute, but it doesn't prove loyalty at all.
Shows like pickup podcast teach you to handle the first 60 to 120 seconds of interaction with a woman, a skill which can take months or years to learn. It's analogous to learning a musical instrument, like a violin. Even if you only have to play for a minute, in order to do that one minute well, much practice may be required. It's not what you say, it's how you appear in terms of body language and how you say it. With the violin, it's not just the notes you play, it's how you play them. After the first 120 seconds, you are more out of the "pickup" arena and into just conversation and longer term interaction. This is also a skill of sorts, but one that pickup podcast doesn't focus on as much.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Getting things done
Friday, October 11, 2013
Speed of light limitation
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Woman are like jobs
Playing the field with women is like applying to a new job every day, and taking the jobs for just one day, then quitting and moving on. This may be enjoyable for people who enjoy the job seeking process. However, the advantage of a longer job or relationship is that you don't have to spend time proving yourself over and over. You basically already took care of proving yourself, so you can do other stuff. (Sometimes fun stuff)
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Recursive Bayesian estimation, update
Recursive Bayesian estimation turns information like p(has_features | it's_a_duck) into what you want in this case. If you already knew probability it's_a_duck given any sequence of observations, you wouldn't need this.
We just ignore the constant c.
This is recursive. You could write it in words as:
current_estimate = p(zk | xk) estimate_based_on_last_observation
Need to find p(x3 | z2)
p(x3 | z2) = p(z2 | x3) p(x3 | z1)
p(xk | zk)
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Time Travel
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Criminal justice factoring in probability
It would make sense to adjust the penalty for crime based on the strength of the evidence, sort of. It would reduce the amount of punishment to uncertain crimes. However it would also seem unfair to those with strong evidence against them.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Why teach Shakespeare in school
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Men and women mate selection
Women use a set of inputs to determine if a man is a suitable mate. It's difficult to quantify with a number, but you can imagine about 100. Examples are height, symmetry, geometric properties of face, muscles, posture, problem solving ability, speech clarity, interaction with children, ability to take care of a plant. They also check indications of interest. Does the man think about her, consider her well being, exhibit jealousy (this can be a positive indicator). A woman needs to check all of these before investing time in having a child with a man (in the stone age). However a man does not really. He only needs to mate with fertile women, so his checks are different.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Best song lyrics are porn
Best song lyrics are porn written with words that are ambiguous so you can interpret everything in a slightly different nonporno way. This satisfies the desire everyone has for porn without setting off any major alarms in the minds of people who ostensibly consider porn a bad thing.
Example: Johnny Cash's I'm on Fire
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Maintaining oppressive regimes
it's more difficult to maintains lies as most dictatorships do now that the internet and social media is so advanced. The one remaining way to control people is the oldest, through belief and religion.
Religion goes beyond terrorism
Religion goes beyond terrorism by injecting the motivating fear directly into people's minds so that people become their own victims. Terrorists can be identified as an outside threat, but a religion person feels fear that ingrained within them.
Limitation of online profile for dating
Problem with an online profile is that the natural way to learn about a person is in stages. You can't process all information at once (if that's what's in the profile) and you can't make it interesting without putting in the stuff that wouldn't be learned until later.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
The testing that women do in a relationship (sh*t testing)
Friday, September 20, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Deciding when ready to reproduce
"Playing God"
Monday, September 16, 2013
Casual sex misnomer
There's no such thing as universal beauty
Friday, September 13, 2013
Woman's greatest desire is to isolate one mate who will provide resources
Friday, September 6, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
World changing
Two wrong myths injected into people: you should go out and change the world and money is not important. Both pretty much wrong. It's hard to change the world much. If you create a major business or whatever, that is a difference, however the main difference is that you have a part in the business rather than somebody else. If there is a major demand for something, it probably will spring into existence, just a matter of time. What you can effect greatly is your world. And, money is a logical aim, as it opens many other doors.
Human brain
Pain of childbirth due to gigantic brain that grew faster than the rest of the human body, for a species that is reprogrammable and therefore adaptive
Saturday, August 31, 2013
How women communicate
Women create a cascade, a flood, of bullshit information, completely inaccurate, they leave you to sift through, to find some truth, and they are not aware themselves of the innaccuracies, becoming angry if one is pointed out.
For example "i don't go out to meet guys" translates to i spent an hour and extra money on makeup, cosmetic surgery, etc. To be sexy as possible then go out and show what i have to guys with conversation floating around sexual topics.
"I want to be free and single" translates to i am searching as fast as possible through all men i come into contact with and the moment i find one who reaches my requirements, i'll start having sex again with him.
Dual survival
Watching dual survival it's clear that just staying alive use to be difficult. That'd what our advanced brains handled. They key to moving beyond was making survival so easy that we don't have to think about it. We focus on other stuff.
Large animals
They call the big dinosaurs the kings but they are really just another way to distribute mass, and often not an optimal one. Smaller individuals that act in a coordinated way are more resilient and powerful.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Local (in time) versus long term optimal decision making
Longer term optimal decision making: difficult to measure with a test at all
Friday, August 16, 2013
Having a child is pressing the reset button
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Keep a count of nodes in left subtree with binary search tree
You need to have the number of nodes to the left of each node, and you want that updated with each insert.
This post is about doing this by walking down the tree as you do for BST insert.
One way is to just update each node to say the number of nodes in its subtree (including itself). When you add one node to the tree, this goes up by one at the current node, no matter if you walk left or right. The you check the left child to see how many a node has on the left.
The code in the book does it differently. It inserts a node into a binary tree but only increases the current nodes count if the node put in the left child.With all nodes inserted, the tree nodes then have a count of how many nodes are on the left of each node. It's sort of like letting marbles roll into position. At each node you watch how many end up rolling left, and then will end up being the number of left nodes.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Longest increasing subsequence, considering contigous or not, starting with brute force and then optimizing
A way to solve problems like this is to keep a candidate list of subsolutions. You walk along the input and either add to an existing subsolution or start a new one. A brute force approach would be to keep track of all possible candidates and then verify to find which ones are best after the list of all of them is generated. However, a more efficient approach is to only add a candidate if you know that it may contribute, and prune away candidates if you know they will not contribute.Longest Contiguous Increasing Subsequence
Say you want to find the longest contiguous increasing subsequence of an array.
(Using python syntax for description.)
For example:
X = [0, 8, 4, 9, 2, 3]
Brute force:
Walk across the list from left to right, and keep a list of possible solutions S you have found so far. This means that when you are at position i you do this:
Keep all lists already in S
Consider each list in S and add a new one that has X[i] appended to the end.
(This will also generate a new list that starts on X[i] because the empty list is in S.)
def longestContiguousSubsequence(X): # Staring with just one empty solution []. S = [[]] for i in range(len(X)): for j in range(len(S)): newLists = [] for s in S: copyOfList = list(s) copyOfList.append(X[i]) newLists.append(copyOfList) S += newLists max = 0 maxList = [] for s in S: if increasing(s): # assume increasing returns true if the sequence is increasing if len(s) > max: max = len(s) maxList = s return maxList # test print longestContiguousSubsequence(X)
This works but it does a lot of extra work.
For example, [0, 8] and [0, 4] are both put into S. However, you really don't need to keep both of them. The last element of [0, 4] is less than the last element of [0, 8], and there's no way that [0, 4] could do any better than [0, 8]. You can always add more increasing items to the end of [0, 4]. So, here's a rule: if you are about to add a new list it has to be "better" (it has to have more potential) than existing lists.
In here's what makes a list better:
(1) It's better if it has a lower number on the end.
(2) It's better if it's longer.
When you add a list, you are appending on new number. You're making a new list that's one longer, so it might better than the one that it comes from. But you want to compare it to other existing lists of equal length to see if it has a lower ending number, if it doesn't have a lower ending number, it's not useful. (Also if there are longer lists with lower numbers at the end, this one will not be useful, later on we can use this fact also.)
This means that really there can never be more than one useful list in S of a given length. The only list you would keep in S of a given length is one with the minimum ending value.
This means that we can have an array "Best" exactly the length of the list X that just stores a best list for each possible length. It will store a reference to a list at each element of the array. The first element is the best list of length 1, the second element is the best list of length 2, etc.
Since Python has zero based arrays, we'll actually use an array Best that has length of S + 1. The index of the array is equal to the lengh of the candidate sequence stored at that position.
Now, when you are adding a candidate list, and it turns out to be length n, you always look to the Best array to see if there's a list of length n that has a lower ending value, if so, you don't need to add it.
One more simplification: you don't need to store the whole lists in Best. You really only need to know where the list ends and the length of the list. That's enough to fully describe any subsequence. The index to Best is the length of the list, so if you just store where the list ends (one number) in each element of Best, that is enough.
Now, when you are about to add a new candidate list of length n by appending x, just look at Best[n] and it will give the the index i to the end of the best list of that length. If X[i] is smaller than x, you don't need to add your new list. If X[i] is bigger than x, you do need to add your new list, which just means replacing Best[n] with a new ending index.
for i in range(len(X)):
for lengthOfList in range(len(Best)):
newLengthOfList = legthOfList + 1
newEndOfList = X[i]
if newEndOfList < Best[newLengthOfList]:
Best[newLengthOfList] = X[i]
There's another optimization. If you can put x at the end of some subsequence s as above, then you don't need to put s at the end of any shorter subsequence. The shorter one would just end up having the exact same ending value and a shorter length, which can't possible be useful. So you really you only need to append to one of the candidate subsequences at most.
Walk along Best from highest index to lowest to find where to add to create a new list with one added. Then skip the others because they won't contribute to the final solution.
However, you don't really have to walk down the list one by one. The list represents the set of best solutions. Any solution A in the list that is shorter than solution B in the list will always have a lower number on the end (otherwise it would have been eliminated). So in a list of best solutions, the longer ones have higher values at the end. Because our Best array is indexed by length, it's also in order lowest last value to highest last value.
Longest Increasing Subsequence (Does not need to be contiguous)
This section is examining a different problem, where the goal is to find the longest increasing subsequence, and it does not need to be contiguous. Now I'm assuming that each candidates are being stored as a lists. (Other sources like Wikipedia have more efficient ways, but this is for explanation purposes.)The approach to this is similar as described in the last section. You keep a list of best lists, indexed by length. You encounter a new number and you can create a new list with it appended to an existing candidate if it will create a new list that is "better" than those existing so far. (This includes the possibility of it creating a list longer than all of those existing so far and the possibility of creating a list that's just the same length as an existing but has a lower end value.)
Candidate solutions end up looking like this for example:
Best[1]: 0
Best[2]: 0, 4
Best[3]: 0, 4, 12
Best[4]: 0, 4, 12, 16
Notice that the ending number is always increasing. It must be, because if it was less than the previous, then the previous would not be useful. (Previous checks ensure that each list is useful, it has to be either longer or have a lower value at the end to get added.)
You could walk down Best from longest to shortest, one by one, checking the end value at each and append when you find the sufficiently small end value.
For example, if you found an 8, you could create a new list where it's appended to 0, 4 giving:
Best[1]: 0
Best[2]: 0, 4
Best[3]: 0, 4, 8
Best[4]: 0, 4, 12, 16
Or, if you found a 14, you'd want to make a new list with it appended to 0,4,12
Best[1]: 0
Best[2]: 0, 4
Best[3]: 0, 4, 12
Best[4]: 0, 4, 12, 14
In the examples, you can see that you really want to try adding it to the longest list with an ending value that's lower. (The only one that will work is the longest with an ending value lower. The ending values has to be lower for you to add it at all. And, if you tried one that wasn't longest, you'd always be trying to make a new list that's no better than one you already have based on ending value... because the one after it would have a lower ending value.) For example, if ending values are 0, 4, 12, 14, then 8 can only be extending 0, 4, there is not other option.
Considering ending values:
0 4 12 14
You can find where you'd want to put 8 with a binary search of the list's end values.
Binary search for 8, which will put you between value 4 and 12 (index 2 and index 3), so you'd want a new sublist extending the list shown at Best[2] and replacing Best[3].
In summary the algorithm is effectively maintaining a list of candidates like this for example:
Best[1]: 0
Best[2]: 0, 4
Best[3]: 0, 4, 12
Best[4]: 0, 4, 12, 14
At each iteration, walking down the input:
It can put in a new best (Best[5] in this example) by appending
An optimization: Making new lists by copying is expensive. Here's more efficient way to get the job done. Represent the list as linked lists. For example:
0 4 12
(0) <- 3="" array="" p="" position="">
Now when you want to add 14. Create node with 14 and just set its point to (12) of this list (0) <- p="">
Above essentially creates an array of nodes where each of the nodes's points certain other previously created node.
Instead of using nodes, standard algorithms accomplish the same with a "parent" array.
You were creating one node at each iteration i (which each check of an input value). You can just put an index in an array p instead. Create an array of parents, each points to a child index (Very much like a node. Each element of the array is an index which is associated with another index. Just like each node is a reference to a number that's associated with a reference to another node.) For examples: At the addition of 4, the pointer p[1] would be set to point to the position of 0, which is i=0. At the addition of 12 (at i=2) the pointer (just a number) p[2] would point to position of the array that holds 4 (which is i=1).
N is length of array (assume its indices start at 1)
Note that each index that p stores can point you to a number in the input (if that's what you want) or to a previous node in p (if that's what you want). (Just like each node will give you either the data of the node or the next node.)
So p[N] points to the position in the array of the last value. (It also points to a position in the parent array.)
p[p[N]] points to the position in the array of the second to last value. (It also points to a position in the parent array.)
Friday, July 26, 2013
Talking to women
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Nature, evolution, religion, cognitive dissonance
Vast majority of people believe in a god of some sort. The beliefs are not true, but they are effective. The numbers indicate that believes (in terms of reproduction) are highly successful and represent the majority of humanity. It's amazing that nature managed to generate people capable of both logical and belief in religion. Innovations of evolution like cognitive dissonance made this possible.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
What the universe cares about
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Variety of tastes
Variety of tastes is so extreme because there is no one optimal solution. Depending on available food, one taste may be more optimal than another. Best to hate poison and like good stuff, but there's no guarantee. So, with a variety of tastes, somebody in the population will probably have a near optimal system.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Women in pairs
Women almost always go to clubs in pairs and it makes sense to meet both of them, and focus on one. Talk to one about the other if it makes sense in conversation, the other is often a useful topic.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Women write that they want someone who makes them laugh in their online profile
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Why does turning technology off and on fix it
It seems too easy, but 90% of the time turning it off and on fixes it. I believe it's because you are returning it to a state where the engineers who built it tested it the most. The longer it's on, the more likely that it's state has drifted into some state that is untested and a bug may occur. Who knows, maybe human brains sleep for similar reasons.
Friday, May 31, 2013
The debate about teaching evolution
Sunday, May 26, 2013
How to meet girls on the dance floor (specifically latin dance)
Having fun
A critical point is to make sure the girl doesn't get bored while dancing. What makes her bored will depend on her personality, but moving around more and being interactive tend to be more engaging. There are different modes, some where you move around more, some where you are more intimate and not moving very much. At the clubs where people are really going there for dating options, songs run for a long time, and you have plenty of time to progress from playful to more intimate and it's best to use the time (and you can use multiple songs).
Verbal Communication
As far as talking goes, I've seen some guys who don't say anything verbally the whole time dancing and girls seems happy and engaged. I think the best strategy is to say a little bit, make a few observations, but not a whole lot of conversation is needed while dancing. You absolutely should have some verbal interaction to make sure she knows you are interested, it just doesn't take that much while dancing. You can ask her how's she doing, how she likes the club so far, or what her name is. It doesn't matter what the answer to any of the questions are, and you probably won't be able to hear them exactly. The point is to just ask them in an upbeat way and convey positive energy. With a few words, she's feel more connected. You can only hear her if you're pretty close, so this gives you an excuse to stand close to her. Typical advise is to avoid pecking, which is leaning in just to get a work and leaning back out, which indicates you're afraid to stand close. The way to hear her is just by standing solidly close enough to hear. You'll be moving away and giving her more space at time naturally while dancing.
It's best to keep the interaction light, and slowly (over the course of an hour or hours), move to more intimate. Find a girl that you want and you give her more attention than others. You still don't overwhelm her with attention. You can take breaks and dance with others. But you come back to her. You can totally read how intimate or not a girl wants to be based on how she responds and how close she gets. You can pull her close and if she bounces off, then you give her some space, and let her decide if she wants to come back. If you pull her close and she stays, then you know she's OK with that for some time. However you still want to gage if she's permanently comfortable with being close or just temporarily, so you take feedback to gauge that also. There is a perfect amount of space, but if you don't know it exactly, it's best to give her just a little more space than she wants, so that she desires to be a little closer. If you give a little less space that she wants, she'll probably feel uncomfortable. You can switch up between "dirty" dancing and "not dirty" and this seems to be what the most "fun" guys are doing. Specifically, dancing with a lot of "not dirty" moves but some teasing with the "dirty" stuff only about 10 percent of the time. Over time (hours), it's probably acceptable to increase the amount of "dirty."
Using Eye Contact
You can tell a lot by eye contact. If she absolutely doesn't make eye contact at all, it's a sign to move on to the next girl. It's good if you get smiles when she glances at you. You don't want to stare too hard. You just want to glance at her on a regular basis to keep engaged. You also want to be looking somewhere near her even if you aren't looking directly at her, because she'll feel ignored if you are staring randomly off into space.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Drunk people know more
Once a girl said while drunk that she can only be trusted when drunk and then when sober implied she can only be trusted when sober. It's hard to tell which to trust. While alcohol disabled the hippocampus of the girl while drunk (removing ability to store memory), she still had full access to the moment and maybe full access to feelings. Her sober version is able to store memories but does not have access to drunk moments (where no memories are formed). So maybe the drunk version is more omniscient.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Women and phones
How would women tell if you love them or not if there were no phones, no way to call back
Thursday, May 23, 2013
How religion puts empathy on hold
Normal ape behavior involves violence toward strangers. Humans developed a sense of empathy stronger than that of other apes as they became more intelligent and more social. However, optimal evolutionary strategy millions of years ago still involves violence, because it's the way that who gets access to resources gets chosen. It's nature's way of choosing wich biochemical machine archetypes and programs will continue and which will not. At the point where empathy became strong, religion came into play as a way of selectively choosing situations where empathy is to be ignored. This is a common thread in many relgions: Israeli, Mayan, Egyptian, etc. With the rise of secular governments, such as the United States, government has taken the role that religion once had, deciding when empathy should be ignored. Empathetic tedences are ignored when the collective has an agenda that can be served by ignored the basic right to life that people in another collective. The serial killer is a criminal because he acts on his own, the soldier is a hero because he acts for the collective. When an act is too senseless and brutal to be justified easily, it is attributed to being something that God or the gods wish to happen. And even now, with secular government agencies responsible for choosing what killing should take place, you still see references to religion and God popping up when people attempt to defend their positions on why the wars need to be fought and won.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Instincts beyond conscious and unconscious
There are conscious and unconscious desires and planned behaviors that lead to desired goals, but there's another category of desires, one where the behavior leads to a distant result, but the human needs no conscious or unconscious understanding of the action. For example, women want to maximize their beauty. They work on this even before they understand that it will increase their reproduction and survival potential. For the same simple reason many human behaviors exists, those who had the inclination contributed more to the gene pool.
Individual versus mass murder
The stories of Israelites in the bible describe a society that devices a way to make murder illegal (ten commandments) but mass murder with a socially agreed purpose legal (holy war). Individually motivated murders may benefit individuals but they damage the overall function of a given group. War is a method that was devised to justify acts that are obviously illegal on an individual level and still allow societies to fight for resources.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Women like conversation that's not random
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Are dreams real
Friday, April 12, 2013
Drifting DNA
How war factors into evolution
Coffee shop
I start overhearing two girls talking
They're like 20ish - I say this because by the time women are like 35 they are different.
One was grossing me out because she was slowly eating a giant egg sandwich - eggs are weird - they're almost not a food at all - and they smell funny - make me nauseous. I can still eat them, but only in a particular mood.
I decided to stay at the adjacent table as a sort of person challenge rather than moving.
It wasn't really a conversation they had, more like verbal diarrhea flowing effortlessly from their mouths. I feel disgust but envy also. Because truly how can people do this, it's hard for me to understand - how can you just flow through a conversation that's not really talking about anything?
This may be why I tend to drop evolutionary biological stuff into conversations when I'm there - it's like I'm trying to derail the topic off of the track and somewhere else. I was thinking if I was at the table, that's probably what I would have done.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Personality is difficult to quantify
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Self replicating patterns
Friday, April 5, 2013
Peacock with it's giant nonfunctional but beautiful tail has evolved to survival proficiency far beyond what is needed. Evolutionary pressure now is not just to survive but to go beyond survival, as humans often do.
In New Ginea where people kill each other if not an ancestor, one can see evolution playing out. this kind of stuff makes evolutionary theory ring as accurate. The behavior seems crazy and psychopathic but it totally makes sense in terms of evolution. More industrialized society still fight for territory and such like animals too, but they've organized into coherent nations that do not self-attack.
Refence: this american life episode about the tribe
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
How to answer the the girls's question of "why did you choose me"
Two personalities of women
Monday, April 1, 2013
Evolution of motivation
Human society and behavior has changed rapidly and drastically in the last 20 thousand years while our instinctive motivations haven't had time to change. (20 thousand years is hardly any time for evolution to change our actual hard wiring.) Many things that people do really are mapping back to the same instinctive drives, for example football is basically nerf tribal warfare. But for optimal performance, one would expect that human society has developed some way to reprogram the desires themselves (not just hard-wire them). One way the is apparently done is with the instinctive desire to do whatever the parents want you to do. (1) Parents are often experienced enough to logically and intuitively figure out what would be a pretty good course based on up-to-date information. (2) The child has a hard-wired biological drive to make the parents happy. Put the two together and you have a way that evolution has developed to put logic and experience based drives and motivations deep into the children's minds.
Divorce and childlessness
This is likely because marriage and monogamy are systems that evolved primarily to handle child care. One doesn't really need them is one is not having children.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Realistic underpinnings of hippie "vibrations"
Three physical things
(1) OK, in physics a ray is usually something like light. It's measurable, and it's measurable with pretty simple equipment, you can use photographic paper and stuff like that to "pick it up."
(2) Mechanical vibrations are also pretty easy to pick up - use a seismograph or something like that.
(3) Electromagnetic vibrations - that's what radio's pick up.
So first thing is to just accept the hippie vibrations are something else, not just the physics definition.
So how is a (hippie) vibe transmitted really? You take in information about the whole person. The sound of the voice (pitch and tamper), the way the joints are moving, posture, the actual words, the meaning, the phrasing, haircut, facial expression (muscles of the face), all of that stuff. It's all processed in a fraction of a second without you even knowing it. You have a high speed computer of sorts in your head that processes all of this on its own. It even goes into your mind and affects you. Like being around a happy person is more likely to make you happen. All of that goes on based on the dynamics in your brain, which is interpreting signals and adjusting both your perception of the person and your own mood.
So what I'm saying is that the vibe is sort of a signal, but it's very complicated to generate and detect (not hard for a human, but it would be hard to make another machine that does it). That's why you use motion capture for good 3D movies - you want to capture the way real people (actors) move - it's very hard to fake it with simple algorithms. It feels natural and easy because the brain (the deeper parts that you are not aware of) take care of all the work.
I'm reading this website and I tend to agree with the way that it models human interaction with physical analogies and stuff:
However, I have to say, it's dangerous to do too much with the analogy.
"For instance, they say that after a few years couples often start acting and speaking like one another. This is because their energy fields are constantly inter‑mingling. They become very sympathetic in terms of their vibrational patterns, and some will tell you that they know what their partner will say before they actually verbalize it. In extreme cases of auric resonance, they may even begin to resemble each other physically."
OK, if you have two bells, this is exactly describing what happens in terms of mechanical vibrations. (Number 2 above.)
But with people this is really what's happening:
(1) Acting like one another. This is because they are observing each other constantly and learning behaviors from each other. Humans do it. Apes do it. It's neurological, and it's an instinct. To say it's a vibration is not really scientifically accurate.
(2) Knowing what their partner will say. This is because the human brain has awesome predictive ability. In order to make the predictions, it needs sufficient "training" data, which comes from spending a lot of time with a person. Computer science is currently doing stuff analogous to this, machine learning, etc. - sometimes inspired by how the brain is configured.
(3) Resemble each other physically? That won't really happen except for certain cases. Like people who stay out in the sun together will both eventually get leathery tan skin (I've seen that). People who are both goth will start to both dress like goth, etc. However, stuff like bone structure will not spontaneously modify to bring them into sync.
Anyway, the principles taught are really valuable. I can see that. It's just strange that people who talk about this often don't keep everything "scientifically" accurate and rigorous. You actually could if you wanted, and pretty much teach the same thing I think.
Why an online date meetup makes another girl mad
The thing is, many of the things that women do and consider fun are roughly equivalent to a POF date. (Maybe men too, but I haven't studied men much, so I'm not making a statement about them here.) Women enjoy going out and being around people appropriate to their age. They enjoy being in mixed crowds of friends and new people so they can meet new people while still being the presence of friends - friends who provide a layer of safety, fun, and help in evaluation. Compared to a nigh out, a POF date is actually less, it's just a conversation with one person. With a night out, a girl could have a conversation with 20 people, and possibly date any of them.
So in my mind, a POF date was basically nothing. There's arguably less mate evaluation happening than going out to salsa, which is something she does all the time anyway. This is how I see it, and I think it's valid. But it's not how she saw it. And from now on, I'll know that women respond emotionally to certain things - maybe things with "dating" in the title or whatever, regardless of the actual content.
The fact is women are always doing stuff to meet people that could end up sexual partners. They consider all the stuff just fun - parties, going out, talking to people at coffee shops, etc. etc. And they interpret all of that as just living a normal life - with little conscious awareness that they are programmed to use all those methods to evaluate people and find mates. Typical comment: "I wasn't looking for anybody and I just stumbled upon this guy..." Well OK, but she was probably going out on a regular bases evaluating 10's or 100's of people week by week through interaction and conversation. That's not exactly stumbling.
I suppose the difference with POF is that the intention moves more into the conscious rather than unconscious - it's just too obvious.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Dryer lint
Thursday, March 28, 2013
You can sort of choose whatever you want as purpose, however you can't necessarily make the goal resonate with your own mind. When you are young apparently the purpose is defined. (Inner child that stays with you.)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Optimal difference for sexual attraction
Too much the same and you have inbreeding problems. Too much different and you may not even produce fertile offspring (horse and donkey). Just enough difference can produce really healthy offspring, an effect known as heterogenous vigor. This is why people are attracted to the other. This is why foreign languages are sexy. It's also why people often marry similar races. They look for different, but not extremely different mates.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Optimal amount of lie
In religion, spirituality, politics, and marketing, there is an optimal amount of nontruth that will bring in the largest number of followers. The complete truth is usually too cold, and can turn people away. A complete lie is often transparent and will turn people away. Somewhere in between is an optimal story, a mixture of truth an nontruth, which will attract the most followers.
Necessity of an anchor, true or not
Could call up leadership of Jehohah's Witnesses and suggest that they teach good principles without the baggage attached such as claims that biological evolution didn't affect human origin. However, in reality the religion is based on an underlying faith in the bible, and the people who would accept the principles without the rest of the baggage may be an almost mutually exclusive set to the current members.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Bible is like DNA
Strongest religions survived
Evolutionary significance of using hands while making out
Occam's razor in design and evolution
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Belief and purpose
Saturday, March 9, 2013
How women always keep their options open
Women don't need online dating because they ate constantly putting themselves in situations with people who are the opposite sex and about their age, thatls the social interaction they enjoy most.
So, if you have a girlfriend, she probably won't want you doing online dating, but she will always be doing its equavalent, going out and meeting people.
It's probably best to play the same game. if you really want something like online dating while you have a girlfriend, just go out with her. maybe use facebbok more, it may not be a dating website, but itls pretty useful in a similar way.
To be clear, I don't recommend deceiving your girlfriend, what ilm saying is that she will always keep her options open, so you should too.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Women considering the future
Women can laugh at fairly small things, so use this in conversation and text messages
Women can laugh at fairly small things. Things that don't seem that funny. They are more likely to laugh at what a man said if they are attracted to the man and more likely to be attracted if they have reason to laugh. It's a positive feedback system. It doesn't have to be like Robin Williams stand-up. Simple comments can work. I observed a guy making fun of girl a little bit for not knowing where Ukraine is. Then he kept referring back to this. He even added it to a text message that he sent to her later, something about her forgetting where Ukraine is or whatever. She got a kick out of it. Women love to communicate, and they love it more with a little bit of humor or making fun, as long as it's light.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Sci fi
Compared to saving people or medical science, engineering immortality is just a more complete solution to the problem of death.
Unmovable emotional state
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Why women demand monogamy
Why girls naturally want more than sex and what to do about it
Considering all this, it's a mistake to think that having sex is just an enjoyable thing, equal for the man and the woman. For the man it's simply enjoyable. For the woman, her own mind will try to signal her that she's doing something wrong (or has done something wrong) if the man is either not likely a provider or doesn't have all characteristics that she wants. Considering that women often want an ideal, they probably have to deal with this built self criticism quite a bit. They're always on the search for a man with whom they can have sex and not feel regret. Because in nature, apparently the women who were careful about who they had sex with were more successful.
The practical consequence is that a man should continually convey confidence, happiness, and connection to others in order to continually attract a woman or women. And, he should continue to be a source of fun and a source of emotional support, so that she will continue to enjoy having sex without any doubts afterward. Although the physical pleasure of sex is always present, she doesn't want to deal with regret. And, the way to reduce the regret she predicts she will have is to convey and provide the aforementioned items, confidence, happiness, connection.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
How to talk to women
There are many videos on youtube (such as below) and many webpages that explain this.
Belief threshold
Artificial intelligence applied to real and imaginary
Real body swap
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Advice to spy movie characters
Plausible deniability for selecting date ideas that will lead to sex
This thing illusion is why plausible deniability is important when setting up a date with a woman, especially while dating. There should always be a reason for meeting that is plausible other than sex. It should be something that's pretty interesting, engaging, and makes sense. If it's making dinner, then making dinner should be pretty involved and interesting (not just a simple meal like a guy would normally make for himself). If it's watching a movie, the movie watching experience should be involved. The movie should be good. And some communication should happen during the movie. The non-sex event can then transition into sex.
Even after sex has occurred in the relationship, it helps to keep creating plausibly deniable situations for meeting and then transitioning into sex. Just meeting for sex and leaving isn't ideal for a young woman. They do love sex, but they like it much more when it's romantic. Guy's don't really care if it's romantic or not, so they need to consciously consider this.
This is a direct quote from a woman in her early twenties "that's my problem, I spend time alone with guys and then I do bad things." ("Bad" simply meaning sexual in this context.) Note that the quote was all said with a hint of self-criticism but a smile at the same time. She wants to believe that she plans to just hang out and these things just happen. Of course the guys who have sex with her are likely moving rationally (consciously or unconsciously) to the desired point from the moment they first begin speaking to her to the final moment of intercourse. If they operate correctly, the whole experience should feel natural and accidental.
She also wants to believe that she has a so called "wild side" - a mode where she desires to have sex. It's a temporary "side" because a constant state would imply more of a "slutty" idea which she wants to avoid.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Boob is not a muscle
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Hugs not drugs
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Balance of positive and negative when talking to women
I used to make really negative comments to women that I'm meeting and figure that they would see some sort of humor in the criticism. My friends see the humor, women included. However, new people are still in a phase of forming a connection and negative comments can disconnect you.
For example, a woman mentioned a technique on the internet for "getting things done," and I said I wasn't very familiar but maybe saw some comments from the delusional who actually believe in that stuff. This disconnects in two ways, (1) not familiar and (2) criticizing the people who apparently like what she likes. A much better approach would have been to ask her more details about it. Actually, I probably could have learned some interesting stuff by doing that.
Negative can be interesting, but it's less useful when you first meet. You want to have a lot of commonalities, connections, etc. This means that you are connected enough to be having a conversation. Then you can have opposing opinions and such on specific items, but the connection is still in place.
If you are visibly joking with good body language and presentation, it may be possible to make negative comments and have the come off as just entertaining. I consider that an exception. In most cases agreeing and even finding ways to restate and add to (not subject from) what the woman said is the way to go.
How to have a conversation with a woman, current experience
To go to a public gathering, meet new people, and enjoy the conversations without much conscious effort - this is an ideal state. I remember a time when I would say pretty much nothing when put in an environment like this. Now it seems that I can begin to glipse at what it would be to really just have fun with people, however I'm not totally there yet. I like the Salsa venues because they give you something to do other than just talking - dancing, which is a great ice breaker - however ultimately the deep connections come out of the talking.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Bluetooth freedom
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Computer Science view of talking to new girls at Salsa event
Friday, February 8, 2013
The Force
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Real quote about nature
always be like a hot, burning fire to my soul despite and maybe because of your unusually advanced, yet basic nature"