Sunday, February 17, 2013

Balance of positive and negative when talking to women

I used to make really negative comments to women that I'm meeting and figure that they would see some sort of humor in the criticism. My friends see the humor, women included. However, new people are still in a phase of forming a connection and negative comments can disconnect you.

For example, a woman mentioned a technique on the internet for "getting things done," and I said I wasn't very familiar but maybe saw some comments from the delusional who actually believe in that stuff. This disconnects in two ways, (1) not familiar and (2) criticizing the people who apparently like what she likes. A much better approach would have been to ask her more details about it. Actually, I probably could have learned some interesting stuff by doing that.

Negative can be interesting, but it's less useful when you first meet. You want to have a lot of commonalities, connections, etc. This means that you are connected enough to be having a conversation. Then you can have opposing opinions and such on specific items, but the connection is still in place.

If you are visibly joking with good body language and presentation, it may be possible to make negative comments and have the come off as just entertaining. I consider that an exception. In most cases agreeing and even finding ways to restate and add to (not subject from) what the woman said is the way to go.

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