Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Looking at a flower, I wonder why a flower built for a bee is pretty to me also. Maybe there are principles of beauty that are universal. The most basic assumption some might make it that their own concept of beauty is the universal definition and anybody who disagrees is wrong. Next, there are those who are OK with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - really meaning it's the the brain of the beholder. How much is our brain like a bee brain. It doesn't have to be very similar. Our common ancestor was a little worm that barely had a nervous system. But still, even computer vision systems are beginning to exibit some aspects similar to natural vision systems. So maybe some things just evolve in vision systems, no matter what the species. (Sort of like how eyes are pretty similar in squid and humans even though they evolved separately.) Or, maybe it's no accedent. Humans used to eat a lot of fruit. Maybe nature made us like flowers because they are good indications of fruit. And by the way, I don't mean flowers that look like human private parts, I know exactly why people think those are beautiful, I just mean normal little flowers.

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